Practice Areas
New Year - New Developments: Employment Law Review and 2011 Forecast
Increased enforcement and agency rulemaking continue to challenge businesses and their ability to effectively operate and manage employees without incurring liability. Join us on February 16, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., for an update of recent legal developments and a discussion of strategies to avoid litigation and ensure compliance with ever-changing laws and regulations. Businesses need to be prepared and proactive to thrive in the current environment. We will include an advanced discussion of managing employee leaves of absence, including FMLA, workers' compensation and other time off issues. Presenters will also provide practical tips on how to avoid running afoul of the recently amended ADA and new regulations under the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Throughout the program, attendees will also receive brief updates on the following topics:
- Healthcare reform;
- NLRB changes;
- OSHA compliance; and
- FLSA misclassification and enforcement.
Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. Although you will be given an opportunity to ask questions during the seminar, you are encouraged to submit questions in advance of the seminar so we can tailor ourpresentation to meet your needs. This program has been submitted to HRCI for approval. Registration and lunch: $10
The program will be held at the Crowne Plaza, 444 North Summit Street in Toledo.