Game-winning strategies for workers compensation hearings and tips for complying with the new ADA regulations

Crown Plaza, 444 N. Summit Street Toledo, Ohio

Its time to dust off your mitt and come catch up on the new trends in employment and workers' compensation law!

First, join us for an update on recent workers' compensation case law and learn how to use these new decisions to lead your team to victory. Learn how to avoid striking out in the hearing room from a Toledo area hearing officer and receive an update on the BWC's new game plan.

Next, get some coaching on what employers need to know about FMLA, GINA and the new ADA regulations.

Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. Seminar starts at 8:30 and ends at noon.

Although you will be given an opportunity to ask questions during the seminar, you are encouraged to submit questions in advance of the seminar to so we can tailor our presentation to meet your needs.Registration is $10. Breakfast will be provided.

To register, please contact Andrea Kenney at or 419-247-1616 by April 25, 2011.

This program has been approved for three HRCI credits.