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Heid Addresses OACTA on FFCRA and CARES


Brigid E. Heid, member of Eastman & Smith, co-presented at the webinar “Navigating the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the CARES Act and Unemployment During COVID-19.”  The event, held for the Ohio Association of Civil Trial Attorneys, addressed both federal and state legislation enacted regarding the pandemic. Issues addressed included FMLA leave, tax credits, layoffs, employee exclusions, key provisions of FFCRA and CARES, furloughs, company shutdowns and more. 

Businesses and business owners encounter legal risks in the workplace.  Brigid E. Heid regularly assists them in managing these risks.  She counsels on best practices and procedures, handbooks, wage and hour, employee leave and discipline, EEO, internal investigations, and protecting intellectual property and confidential information.  

OACTA is an association of civil defense lawyers in Ohio.  Members have legal practices focusing on defending civil lawsuits against companies, governments and individuals.  For more information, please visit OACTA’s web site.