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Yates Speaks at Toledo Regional Chamber Regarding Social Media
Firm member James B. Yates spoke to the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce in a seminar entitled "New Year - New NLRB Rules on Social Media and Union Organizing." Mr. Yates focused on the latest legalities surrounding employee use of social media and what this means for both union and non-union employers as well as recent legislative right-to-work developments, current NLRB rulemaking and significant NLRB decisions. Details about the seminar can be found on The Toledo Blade's web site.
Mr. Yates is a member of Eastman & Smith Ltd. He represents public and private sector employers in all facets of labor and employment law matters. Recently, he co-authored Top NLRB Issues for 2012 which included an overview of the National Labor Relation Board's stance on social media. It was one of several articles appearing in Eastman & Smith's newsletter LawTrends that discussed social media in the workplace.