Practice Areas

Employment Law Update Fall 2011

Crowne Plaza, 444 N. Summit Street, Toledo, Ohio

The attorneys of the Labor & Employment Practice Group of Eastman & Smith Ltd. invite you to:

Employment Law Update Fall 2011

October 19, 20118:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Join us for an update of recent legal developments and a discussion of strategies to avoid litigation and ensure compliance with ever-changing laws and regulations.

Topics include:

Registration and breakfast will begin at 8:00 a.m. Please contact Andrea Kenney by October 12 to register at or by calling 419-247-1616. There is a $10 registration fee. This program has been submitted to HRCI for approval. Although you will be given an opportunity to ask questions during the seminar, given the limited time available, we encourage you to submit questions in advance of the seminar to so we can tailor our presentation to more efficiently meet your needs.