Practice Areas

Developing and Revising Employee Handbooks or Personnel Manuals and the Board's Responsibility for Compliance

1800 North Blanchard Street, Findlay

Heidi N. Hartman and Patrick A. Sadowski, in conjunction with the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation, are conducting a training event. "Developing and Revising Employee Handbooks or Personnel Manuals and the Board's Responsibility for Compliance" is designed to assist and inform managers and human resource personnel, as well as board members of nonprofit organizations about the importance of carefully written and coordinated employee handbooks. Employee handbooks are an important tool for setting the tone for your workplace, communicating important policies and procedures to your employees, and avoiding claims and lawsuits. With the ever changing landscape of laws and regulations related to the workplace, it is imperative to review the organization's employee handbooks to keep them current and in compliance. This workshop will focus on updating and drafting employee handbooks and the associated board responsibilities. This training is targeted towards managers and human resource personnel, as well as directors, senior staff members and board members of nonprofit organizations. The workshop will be will be held on January 22 at the Family Center, 1800 North Blanchard Street, Findlay from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. This training is free to attend. RSVP by January 18, 2013 to 419-425-1100 or