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They Want How Much? Dealing With End of the Project Damages Claims

One Seagate, Toledo, Ohio

The Construction Law Practice Group of Eastman & Smith Ltd. invites you to its annual construction law seminar.

They Want How Much?Dealing With End of the Project Damages ClaimsStuart J. Goldbergand Matthew D. Harper

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

One Seagate Building 550 N. Summit, Toledo, OhioIn the Garden Room

Funds for (and margins on) construction projects are more limited than ever. Nothing is worse than getting to the end of the job and being presented with a demand from a contractor or subcontractor for more money, whether for extra work or damages for delay, compression, acceleration or something else. This seminar will discuss:Although we welcome questions during the seminar, we also invite you to submit questions in advance of the seminar, so we can tailor our presentation to meet your needs

To register, please contact Nancy E. Callahan via or call 419-247-1760 by January 29, 2013. Registration is free.